Monday, March 21, 2005

Open Arms

Lying beside you,here in the dark
Feeling your heart beat with mine
Softly you whisper, you're so sincere
How could our love be so blindWe sailed on together
We drifted apartAnd here you are by my side

So now I come to you, with open arms
Nothing to hide, believe what I say
So here I am with open arms
Hoping you'll seeWhat you love means to me
Open arms

Living without you, living alone
This empty house seems so cold
Wanting to hold you, wanting you nea
rHow much I wanted u home
But now that you've come back
Turned night into dayI need you to stay


Open Arms ( Chinese Version )

Tang zai ni shen bian
Qi hei yi pian
Gan shou zhe wo he ni de xing tiao
Ni qin qin de hu xi
Shi na me de shu xi
Wo men shi jian zen me hui mang mu cuo guo

Ceng jing wo men gong du yi tiao chuan
You hui wu qing de chong san

Xian zai wo shang kai shuang bi
Ying xiang niXiang ying wo
Dui ni de ai hao wu bao liu
Ni zhang yu you hui dao
Ni zhong yu you hui dao wo shen pang
Wo xu yao ni liu xia lai
Wo zhen zai zhe li dui ni shang kai shuang bi

Ni de ai dui wo de yi yi
Xi wang ni liao jie
Wo shang kai shuang
Huo zhe mei you ni
Gu dan de xiang si qu
Zhe fang zi kong don dang you leng qing qing
Hao xiang yong bao niKe mang ni kao jin
Zhe ge jia duo xi wang ni ye zhe li

Xian zai ni zhong yu hui lai le
Rang wo de hei an bian cheng bai tian

Last nIgHt....

well...this is is something to think about....
Last night....I went to sleep already....suddenly I remembered about something what Father James said during the mass.....It was about GOD'S WAY and NOT OUR WAY!!!!

First he said something related about PALM SUNDAY...when Jesus entered the Jerusalem where everyone praised and adored HIM...and @ the next day people curse Him andsentenced Him to death... He had to do HIS passion....BUT that's God's Way....sometimes you will be up sometimes you will be down.

Second he said that smetimes people like to pray asking God to fullfill their way not God's Way...he gave some examples like going for medical check up and pray for the good result or when issuing a check, the prossess will be done smoothly....Yep!!! That's what people did...or even I did sometimes....

These things remind me of what I am now....I realized that what I had now is a GOD's way...I won't be here if it's my way....all I can do is just hope, pray and try harder.....
As my 2 years trainig program is going to over soon...I'm thinking of what will happen to me next....of course I have thought of many alternatives to continue my life....BACK to SCHOOL, Fairview CHINA, or BACK HOME, or STAY in KL....

I dunno...suddenly...I really2 want to CONTINUE STUDY....trying hard to have my master target is NUS....Singapore...I really wish that I could stay in reasons are simple...near by, safe, a lot of friends...and I'm familiar with the country....But once again....I SURRENDER everythingb to GOd...Let Him shows the BEST way for me.....:) If it is HIS WAY...everything will be OK.....!!!!

Remember...DO the GOD's WAY not MY WAY!!!!!....

"I Surrender All"
All to Jesus I surrender
All to Him I freely give;
I will ever love and trust Him,
In his presence daily live.
I surrender all, to you Jesus I surrender all, all;
All to thee, my blessed Savior,
I surrender all.
All I have I give to You (I'll give it to You)
I surrender all to You (everything I have)
I'll do what you want me to (what you want me do)
I'll give You everythingI surrender all to Jesus
I surrender all
I give my self to thee
Fill me with a love and power that your blessing follow me
I surrender allTo you Jesus I (I surrender all)
All to thee, my blessed Savior
I surrender all
All I have I give to You
I surrender all to You
I'll do what you want me to
I'll give You everything
I surrender all to Jesus
All I have I give to You (all to you Lord)
I surrender all to You (I surrender all I have to you)
I'll do what you want me to (whatever you want from me)
I'll give You everything
I surrender all to You
I surrender all to You
I'll do whatever you want me to
Nothing else I'd rather do
With my life, Lord I'll serve you every day
Even when things don't go my way
Lord you can trust me to never straight, oh