Tuesday, July 21, 2009

My dream, my passion

satu persatu mimpi2 gue tercapai...masih banyak sich mimpi gue yg masih gue kejar kaya travelling aroung Europe, ketemu my soul mate and getting married. Tapi dari sekian banyak mimpi2 gue...gw punya satu2 cita2...mo bikin kumpulan cerpen anak...(ga usah buku dulu deh...tlalu jauh!!!) Gue sadar kok..gue bukan penulis yang handal...makanya gue butuh orang yg bs bantuin gue edit2 kata2 gw yang pastinya suka loncat2 kaya kutu loncat...jadi pastinya gue gak bakal kerja sendirian... Blue print dari cerpen anak gue udah ada sich....inspirasi juga udah ada...cuman gue ga tau kapan pelaksanaanya...soalnya kudu "put first thing first" yang mana adalah my study... Semoga liburan berikutnya gue bisa menulis karya pertama gue....

First Day Back to School...Excited

Yeah....Holiday is Over...
Back to real life....

The kidos are back...
They were so excited..I can tell...
'cos I was too....

In each of them, I see my new challenges that I have to face for this whole year...
I am excited
I am ready
I believe that each of them has their uniqueness
with their talents that I need to explore
with their mind that thirsts of knowledge that need to be filled up
with their spirit and excitement that inspired me to DO the BEST I can do...

I hope the refreshment that I got on the 1st week back at work...the 7 habits...could really support me in dealing with these challenges...

Oh, God....Help Me!!!

I believe I CAN DO IT!!!!