Wednesday, December 09, 2009

I feel

Yeah...!!! It's DONE with the great SUCCESS!!!
The X-mas Performance is OVER!!!
After the hectic, stress and panic for a month plus plus....I am so glad is over...
The funny thing is...there are some mixed up feelings that I feel....

I feel....

* Relieve
yeah....It's Done!!! All the hardwork has been paid with the great success....:)

* Happy
because everyone was HAPPY...
because all the things that we planned could be achieved...

* Satisfied and Proud
because the team has done A GREAT JOB!!!
especially the children...they have shown us that they have a good team work and they can synergize well...besides that they have put their best effort to give the best they can give...
We are really PROUD of them....because they have done their best not to let us down....BIG APPLAUSE for u all...!!!

It's kinda sad...because I'm gonna miss all the fun during the process of preparation to make this happen...(the silly things the cast did during the practice, the mess in the Gym, the laughter during overtime, the panic expression on the students and teachers' face....etc) Yeah...above all..It turn into GOOD things,guys!!!
Besides that, I'm gonna miss my friend...because she's gonna leave us after if this event was a farewell for her....(ooh...I wanna cry again...sob..sob...sob)

because we have shown that we are a GOOD team....and the show was a success...

No matter HOW I's just the great experience for me at the end of 2009...It's really A MOMENT TO REMEMBER that became a LEADER was a TOUGH needs more than needs strength, open mind, open heart, high dedication and high responsibilty....
This experience gave me opportunity to use all the 7 habits....
However, I was glad that I had great people in my team...U are the best,guys!!!
Thank u for everything!!!

Merry X-mas and HAPPY NEW YEAR!!!

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