Thursday, December 31, 2009

Old and New

It's been like this year to year....
Reflecting back to what happened this year...and writing some hope and wishes for the new year...

This 2009 was never been easy and smooth as I hoped for...BUT this year I learned a lot...through tears, sweat, and laughter...I enjoyed every moment, every events, every thing that happened along this years....I learned a lot of things...although I might say that I wasn't a good student at all....
Well... I guess goodbye always be a great year with lot of moments to remember....:)

2010 is around the corner...
Hope in 2010...I will finish my master degree...
I will get more experiences that develop me into a better person
I will continue dedicating myself for the little ones who always brighten my days....
I will get a luck in my love life...
I will always be happy
My family will always be happy and healthy...
Finally, I hope that I can reach my other dreams....

No matter what has happened in 2009 and will happen in 2010...what I believe is that everything will be great because God is always with us along the way....

God Bless Us, everyone!!!
Happy New Year!!!
may we have a blessed year!!!

Wednesday, December 30, 2009

Friends; Lovers or Nothing-John Mayer

Now that we are over
As the loving kind
We'll be dreaming ways
To keep the good alive

Only when we want is not
A compromise
Ill be pouring tears
Into your drying eyes

Friends, lovers, or nothing
There can only be one
Friends, lovers, or nothing
We'll never be the inbetween
So give it up

You whisper "Come on over"
Cause your two drinks in
But in the morning I will say
Good-bye again

Think we'll never fall into
The jealous game
The streets will flood
With blood of those who felt the same

Friends, lovers, or nothing
You see
There can only be one
Friends, lovers, or nothing
We'll never an inbetween
So give it up

Friends, lovers, or nothing
We can really only ever be one
Friends, lovers, or nothing
Don't you know
We'll never be the inbetween
So give it up

No we'll never the inbetween
So give it up

Anything other than 'yes' is 'no'
Anything other than 'stay' is 'go'
Anything less than 'I love you' is lying... [fade out]

I see You-Leona Lewis

Walking through a dream
I see you
My light in darkness breathing hope of new life
Now I live through you and you through me
I pray in my heart that this dream never ends

I see me through your eyes
Living through life flying high
Your life shines the way into paradise
So I offer my life as a sacrifice
I live through your love

You teach me how to see
All that’s beautiful
My senses touch your word I never pictured
Now I give my hope to you
I surrender
I pray in my heart that this world never ends

I see me through your eyes
Living through life flying high
Your love shines the way into paradise
So I offer my life
I offer my love, for you

When my heart was never open
(and my spirit never free)
To the world that you have shown me
But my eyes could not division
All the colors of love and of life ever more

(I see me through your eyes)
I see me through your eyes
(Living through life flying high)
Flying high

Your love shines the way into paradise
So I offer my life as a sacrifice
And live through your love
And live through your life
I see you
I see you


I guessed that was me...I just felt so skxawng....
If I don't feel him, why should I feel uncomfortable?
If I don't feel him, why did I enjoy the riding so much?
If I don't feel him, why do I always run to him?
If I don't feel him, why do I always miss him?

so what do I feel now??
Do I love him? Yes, I do...But it never more than best friend...
Because I know we are not meant to be lover...

Oh, God....don't let me do sth skxawng...
Let me enjoy every moment that we share as two BEST BUDDIES...
Yeah...He'll always be my BBF....always....

Wednesday, December 09, 2009

Thank You

Finally....It's Over!!!
Preparing an event is never been easy...there's do much to be prepared, there's so much to be a very short time...
However, I believe it's part of the learning that I need to face and to enjoy the process...

I know that I will not be able to do this alone...
I need to synergize with u all....
I know that I will be so helpless without u all...
This X-mas Assembly won't be like this without u taking part in each of every process...

Through the ups and downs in the rush hour of the semester...we made this there's no other words that I can say except THANK YOU
To my Jesus savior and my guidance....without HIM along the process...I believe that this event will not be success...

To Ribka, Mr Grant, Theo, Ferdi, Ola, Shelma, Arni, Mirna, Rika, Sandra, Kak Julia, Anne, Hari, Yohan, Budi, Pak Bismark, Pak Darwin, and Monic....Thank u for the ideas, the hard work, the songs, the scripts, the overtime, and the energy that u spent to make this a moment to remember...

To the Cast: Momon, Kirtti, Jacelyn, Adhista, Abel, Kristof, Mitzi, Michael, Clinton, Jennifer, Graham, Michael, Gino, Rasjid and Gabi...You have done WELL,guys!!! Thank you for putting the best effort to make "The X-mas Shoes" live on stage!!!! Biggest Applause to u all...:)

To the Stage Crew team: Gino, Jhohanes, Liberty, Yoga, Kenji, Dio,Keanu,George, Rio, Alvin, Widhi, Nabil...Thank you for preparing all the props...especially the shoes....:P and for your energy in lifting all the props in and off stage!!! Thank you,guys!!!

To the Decoration team: Beverly, Jessica, Nadira, Samantha, Ayu, Yuri, Natasha, Vania, Kevin, Jennifer, Ramada, Alfred, Angeline, Reynatte...Thank you for the decoration,guys...u have chnaged the gym into mini 'mall'....Good Job, guys!!!

To the Backdrop team: Jason, Rindra and Stepan...Thank you for the drawings...They completed the drama...!!!

To the costume team: Kirtti, Pradnya, and Adhista...thank you for ur hard work to collect the costume for the characters...:)

To Ramada and Pradnya: Thank you for the invitation and program book design....It's very beautiful!!! (even the parents said so!!!)

To Ibu Tya, Ibu Herda, The TLCs,The Headmaster and Headmistress, Homeroom teachers, teachers, admin staff and cleaners...thank you for the supports, understandings, inputs, and prayers....!!!

I would like to apologize if during the process there were my words or attitudes that hurt your feelings or bother you....!!!

Once again....THANK YOU SO MUCH....

Finally... Merry X-mas and Happy New Year...May u all hv a great and blessed Holiday!!

PS: please share this to others...thank u...:)

I feel

Yeah...!!! It's DONE with the great SUCCESS!!!
The X-mas Performance is OVER!!!
After the hectic, stress and panic for a month plus plus....I am so glad is over...
The funny thing is...there are some mixed up feelings that I feel....

I feel....

* Relieve
yeah....It's Done!!! All the hardwork has been paid with the great success....:)

* Happy
because everyone was HAPPY...
because all the things that we planned could be achieved...

* Satisfied and Proud
because the team has done A GREAT JOB!!!
especially the children...they have shown us that they have a good team work and they can synergize well...besides that they have put their best effort to give the best they can give...
We are really PROUD of them....because they have done their best not to let us down....BIG APPLAUSE for u all...!!!

It's kinda sad...because I'm gonna miss all the fun during the process of preparation to make this happen...(the silly things the cast did during the practice, the mess in the Gym, the laughter during overtime, the panic expression on the students and teachers' face....etc) Yeah...above all..It turn into GOOD things,guys!!!
Besides that, I'm gonna miss my friend...because she's gonna leave us after if this event was a farewell for her....(ooh...I wanna cry again...sob..sob...sob)

because we have shown that we are a GOOD team....and the show was a success...

No matter HOW I's just the great experience for me at the end of 2009...It's really A MOMENT TO REMEMBER that became a LEADER was a TOUGH needs more than needs strength, open mind, open heart, high dedication and high responsibilty....
This experience gave me opportunity to use all the 7 habits....
However, I was glad that I had great people in my team...U are the best,guys!!!
Thank u for everything!!!

Merry X-mas and HAPPY NEW YEAR!!!