Thursday, December 31, 2009

Old and New

It's been like this year to year....
Reflecting back to what happened this year...and writing some hope and wishes for the new year...

This 2009 was never been easy and smooth as I hoped for...BUT this year I learned a lot...through tears, sweat, and laughter...I enjoyed every moment, every events, every thing that happened along this years....I learned a lot of things...although I might say that I wasn't a good student at all....
Well... I guess goodbye always be a great year with lot of moments to remember....:)

2010 is around the corner...
Hope in 2010...I will finish my master degree...
I will get more experiences that develop me into a better person
I will continue dedicating myself for the little ones who always brighten my days....
I will get a luck in my love life...
I will always be happy
My family will always be happy and healthy...
Finally, I hope that I can reach my other dreams....

No matter what has happened in 2009 and will happen in 2010...what I believe is that everything will be great because God is always with us along the way....

God Bless Us, everyone!!!
Happy New Year!!!
may we have a blessed year!!!

Wednesday, December 30, 2009

Friends; Lovers or Nothing-John Mayer

Now that we are over
As the loving kind
We'll be dreaming ways
To keep the good alive

Only when we want is not
A compromise
Ill be pouring tears
Into your drying eyes

Friends, lovers, or nothing
There can only be one
Friends, lovers, or nothing
We'll never be the inbetween
So give it up

You whisper "Come on over"
Cause your two drinks in
But in the morning I will say
Good-bye again

Think we'll never fall into
The jealous game
The streets will flood
With blood of those who felt the same

Friends, lovers, or nothing
You see
There can only be one
Friends, lovers, or nothing
We'll never an inbetween
So give it up

Friends, lovers, or nothing
We can really only ever be one
Friends, lovers, or nothing
Don't you know
We'll never be the inbetween
So give it up

No we'll never the inbetween
So give it up

Anything other than 'yes' is 'no'
Anything other than 'stay' is 'go'
Anything less than 'I love you' is lying... [fade out]

I see You-Leona Lewis

Walking through a dream
I see you
My light in darkness breathing hope of new life
Now I live through you and you through me
I pray in my heart that this dream never ends

I see me through your eyes
Living through life flying high
Your life shines the way into paradise
So I offer my life as a sacrifice
I live through your love

You teach me how to see
All that’s beautiful
My senses touch your word I never pictured
Now I give my hope to you
I surrender
I pray in my heart that this world never ends

I see me through your eyes
Living through life flying high
Your love shines the way into paradise
So I offer my life
I offer my love, for you

When my heart was never open
(and my spirit never free)
To the world that you have shown me
But my eyes could not division
All the colors of love and of life ever more

(I see me through your eyes)
I see me through your eyes
(Living through life flying high)
Flying high

Your love shines the way into paradise
So I offer my life as a sacrifice
And live through your love
And live through your life
I see you
I see you


I guessed that was me...I just felt so skxawng....
If I don't feel him, why should I feel uncomfortable?
If I don't feel him, why did I enjoy the riding so much?
If I don't feel him, why do I always run to him?
If I don't feel him, why do I always miss him?

so what do I feel now??
Do I love him? Yes, I do...But it never more than best friend...
Because I know we are not meant to be lover...

Oh, God....don't let me do sth skxawng...
Let me enjoy every moment that we share as two BEST BUDDIES...
Yeah...He'll always be my BBF....always....

Wednesday, December 09, 2009

Thank You

Finally....It's Over!!!
Preparing an event is never been easy...there's do much to be prepared, there's so much to be a very short time...
However, I believe it's part of the learning that I need to face and to enjoy the process...

I know that I will not be able to do this alone...
I need to synergize with u all....
I know that I will be so helpless without u all...
This X-mas Assembly won't be like this without u taking part in each of every process...

Through the ups and downs in the rush hour of the semester...we made this there's no other words that I can say except THANK YOU
To my Jesus savior and my guidance....without HIM along the process...I believe that this event will not be success...

To Ribka, Mr Grant, Theo, Ferdi, Ola, Shelma, Arni, Mirna, Rika, Sandra, Kak Julia, Anne, Hari, Yohan, Budi, Pak Bismark, Pak Darwin, and Monic....Thank u for the ideas, the hard work, the songs, the scripts, the overtime, and the energy that u spent to make this a moment to remember...

To the Cast: Momon, Kirtti, Jacelyn, Adhista, Abel, Kristof, Mitzi, Michael, Clinton, Jennifer, Graham, Michael, Gino, Rasjid and Gabi...You have done WELL,guys!!! Thank you for putting the best effort to make "The X-mas Shoes" live on stage!!!! Biggest Applause to u all...:)

To the Stage Crew team: Gino, Jhohanes, Liberty, Yoga, Kenji, Dio,Keanu,George, Rio, Alvin, Widhi, Nabil...Thank you for preparing all the props...especially the shoes....:P and for your energy in lifting all the props in and off stage!!! Thank you,guys!!!

To the Decoration team: Beverly, Jessica, Nadira, Samantha, Ayu, Yuri, Natasha, Vania, Kevin, Jennifer, Ramada, Alfred, Angeline, Reynatte...Thank you for the decoration,guys...u have chnaged the gym into mini 'mall'....Good Job, guys!!!

To the Backdrop team: Jason, Rindra and Stepan...Thank you for the drawings...They completed the drama...!!!

To the costume team: Kirtti, Pradnya, and Adhista...thank you for ur hard work to collect the costume for the characters...:)

To Ramada and Pradnya: Thank you for the invitation and program book design....It's very beautiful!!! (even the parents said so!!!)

To Ibu Tya, Ibu Herda, The TLCs,The Headmaster and Headmistress, Homeroom teachers, teachers, admin staff and cleaners...thank you for the supports, understandings, inputs, and prayers....!!!

I would like to apologize if during the process there were my words or attitudes that hurt your feelings or bother you....!!!

Once again....THANK YOU SO MUCH....

Finally... Merry X-mas and Happy New Year...May u all hv a great and blessed Holiday!!

PS: please share this to others...thank u...:)

I feel

Yeah...!!! It's DONE with the great SUCCESS!!!
The X-mas Performance is OVER!!!
After the hectic, stress and panic for a month plus plus....I am so glad is over...
The funny thing is...there are some mixed up feelings that I feel....

I feel....

* Relieve
yeah....It's Done!!! All the hardwork has been paid with the great success....:)

* Happy
because everyone was HAPPY...
because all the things that we planned could be achieved...

* Satisfied and Proud
because the team has done A GREAT JOB!!!
especially the children...they have shown us that they have a good team work and they can synergize well...besides that they have put their best effort to give the best they can give...
We are really PROUD of them....because they have done their best not to let us down....BIG APPLAUSE for u all...!!!

It's kinda sad...because I'm gonna miss all the fun during the process of preparation to make this happen...(the silly things the cast did during the practice, the mess in the Gym, the laughter during overtime, the panic expression on the students and teachers' face....etc) Yeah...above all..It turn into GOOD things,guys!!!
Besides that, I'm gonna miss my friend...because she's gonna leave us after if this event was a farewell for her....(ooh...I wanna cry again...sob..sob...sob)

because we have shown that we are a GOOD team....and the show was a success...

No matter HOW I's just the great experience for me at the end of 2009...It's really A MOMENT TO REMEMBER that became a LEADER was a TOUGH needs more than needs strength, open mind, open heart, high dedication and high responsibilty....
This experience gave me opportunity to use all the 7 habits....
However, I was glad that I had great people in my team...U are the best,guys!!!
Thank u for everything!!!

Merry X-mas and HAPPY NEW YEAR!!!

Monday, November 23, 2009

Sebuah tanggung jawab...

Ketika sebuah tanggung jawab besar diberikan kepadaku
aku tak bisa mengelak...
aku terima...
aku jalani...
aku berusaha...
bukan dengan kemudahan yang harus aku lalui
tapi jalan berliku yang harus kutempuh...
sebuah kekuatan
keteguhan hati
komitmen diri
dan rasa tanggung jawab
membuatku untuk maju terus berjuang memberikan yang terbaik...
aku bersyukur...
orang2 yang bekerja bersamaku
adalah orang yang mudah untuk diajak betukar pikiran dan berkomitmen tinggi...
akupun semakin semangat bekerja...
walaupun tak sedikit kasak kusuk sana sini dibelakangku dan teamku...
aku percaya...
sesuatu yang dilakukan dengan hati yang tulus akan menghasilkan hasil yang terbaik pula...
Ayoo....ini belum berakhir...

Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Celebrate my 4 years @ PSKDM

Last Monday, 09.11.09 was my 4th year in PSKDM...what I know is that the challenges are not over yet or even it will never be over....and the fighting keeps on going...
I'm glad that got so many things in these 4 years...I have developed...personally and professionally....
Hope I could gain more and more in the years ahead....:)
God Bless...

Tuesday, October 06, 2009


Eeyore made by Ola

Gw gak tau kenapa gue suka EEYORE....mungkin krn dia biru...dia lemes..dia ga ada gairah en selalu gloomy.....wakakakakakkaaa
pilihan yg aneh memang...
Gambar ini digambarin ma best buddy...yg multi talented...hehhhehehehe...
Thx ya,la...kapan2 gambarin gue lageee...hehheehhheee

Monday, September 28, 2009

Man in the Mirror-WLH vers

I’m gonna make a change
For once in my life
It's gonna feel real good
Gonna make a difference
Gonna make it right

As I turned up the collar on
My favorite winter coat
This wind is blowin' my mind
I see the kids in the street
With not enough to eat
Who am I to be blind
Pretending not to see their needs

A summer's disregard
A broken bottle top
And a one man's soul
They follow each other
On the wind ya' know
'Cause they got nowhere to go
That's why I want you to know

I'm starting with the man in the mirror
I'm asking him to change his ways
And no message could have been any clearer
If you wanna make the world a better place
Take a look at yourself and then make a change, yey
Na na na, na na na, na na na na oh ho

I've been a victim of
A selfish kind of love
It's time that I realize
There are some with no home
Not a nickel to loan
Could it be really me pretending that they're not alone

A willow deeply scarred
Somebody's broken heart
And a washed out dream
They follow the pattern of the wind ya' see
'Cause they got no where to be
That's why I'm starting with me

I'm talking 'bout with the man in the mirror
I'm asking him to change his ways
And no message could have been any clearer
If you wanna make the world a better place
Take a look at yourself and then make a change

You gotta get it right, while you got the time
'Cause when you close your heart
(You can't close your, your mind)

I'm talking with the man in the mirror
I'm asking him to change his ways
No message could have been any clearer
If you wanna make the world a better place
Take a look at yourself then just make that change

Thursday, September 24, 2009

MY mobile phone History

Nokia 3210
My 1st parets bought for me...
It lasted for 3 years until I graduated from university...

My 2nd HP Nokia 3610
I bought it with my salary as part time teacher giving tuition and my dad added a little...
It lasted around 3 years too...
It accompanied me when I was in KL....shared my tears and laughter...

My 3rd HP nokia 6270
I bought it with my own salary...
I love this HP so much....when I started in PSKD until 23rd September 2009...It has been my greatest company for communication....too hard to let it go...
BUT I have to....

My nokia E71....the latest dream phone
I bought it with my own money...
Hope I will share more of the memories with it!!!!
Welcome to my life my E71...

Thursday, September 17, 2009

Kim Bummie pics..

Bukan Cinta Biasa-Afgan

Kali ini kusadari
Aku telah jatuh cinta
Dari hatiku terdalam
Sungguh aku cinta padamu

Cintaku bukanlah cinta biasa
Jika kamu yang memiliki
Dan kamu yang temaniku seumur hidupku

Terimalah pengakuanku
Percayalah kepadaku
Semua ini kulakukan
Karena kamu memang untukku

Cinta ku bukan cinta biasa
Jika kamu yang menemani
Dan kamu yang temaniku seumur hidupku
Terimalah pengakuanku

Because I'm ur friend...4ever n always

Let me be ur ears this time.
I'll listen 2 u.
Share ur feelings n thoughts.
I'll do my best 2 reduce ur pain.
Just be 'open'...this time I'll comfort u.
Above all..



kok gue jahat banget sich?? malah ngetawain yg lagi susah??
gue ketawa aja...ternyata beneran....ada yg ud bubaran lagi....
hihihihiihihi....alsannya klise banget deh....


ya udah...gak kenapa2 juga...gak ngaruh juga kan ma gue...
udah gini aja...jangan sampe masuk 'ICU" lagi gara2 krisis perasaan...cape tau!!!!
senang2 aja deh gue...ada temen buat jalan2 lagiii.....
ASAL...ASAL NICH....jangan kebawa perasaan aja ya!!! hihihihihihi

*hoping mode on*

Wednesday, September 16, 2009

My kidos...My small world...

kadang nyebelin...
kadang bikin aku berteriak teriak...
kadang bikin sakit kepala...
kadang keras kepala...

kadang ngangenin
kadang ngegemesin
kadang bikin aku tertawa
kadang wajah polos itu bikin aku luluh

kalian itu adalah semangatku
kalian itu adalah hidupku
kalian itu adalah duniaku

aku tak rela melepas kalian begitu saja
aku akan menjadikan kamu 'pemimpin'
untuk dirimu dan orang2 disekitarmu

mari kita berjuang bersama
dalam dunia warna warni
belajar untuk menjadi orang yang berguna...

Lucky by Ashily

nan himi deulttaemyeon Lucky in my life
kudaega kkumchorom taga-oneyo
sulpo jil-ttaemyeon nan Lucky in my dream
kudae ttasuhage nal kkok kamssajuneyo

when it gets hard, lucky in my life
you come towards me like a dream
when i get sad, lucky in my dream
you hold me tight with warm embrace

onjena irohke usoyo nan
sesangi himdulge haedo
nan choldae nunmureun poigo shipjin a-nhchyo
nae ma-meul moreu-neun keudaerado
mollisorado keudaeyi geu misoreul
kanjikhal su isso tahaengijyo

i smile like this, always
even when the world makes it hard
i don't ever want to show my tears.
even though you don't know my heart yet
because i can still keep your smile, even from afar,
it's a relief

ulgo shipulttaen Lucky in my love
sangsansok kudaega motjyoboyeoyo
ulchokhaejimyeon nan Lucky in my world
keudae kkumgyol-chorom nal kkok anajujyoonjena irohke usoyo nan
sesangi himdulge haedo

when i want to cry, lucky in my love
you look so handsome in my imagination
when i'm frustrated, lucky in my world
you hold me tight like a dream

nan choldae nunmureun poigo shipjin a-nhchyo
nae ma-meul moreu-neun keudaerado
mollisorado keudaeyi geu misoreul
kanjikhal su isso tahaengijyo

i smile like this, always
even when the world makes it hard
i don't ever want to show my tears.
even though you don't know my heart yet
because i can still keep your smile, even from afar,
it's a relief

modeun-ge areumdawo nan nomu haengbo-khan-gol
weroun sesange nan tto nae sowo-neul tamayo

everything is beautiful. i'm so happy.
i make a wish again in this lonely world

onjena irohke usoyo nan
sesangi himdulge haedo
nan choldae nunmureun poigo shipjin a-nhchyo
nae ma-meul moreu-neun keudaerado
mollisorado keudaeyi geu misoreul
kanjikhal su isso tahaengijyo
keudae han-goreumman tagawayo

i smile like this, always
even when the world makes it hard
i don't ever want to show my tears.
even though you don't know my heart yet
because i can still keep your smile, even from afar,
it's a relief

take one step towards me

Friday, September 11, 2009

Thursday, September 10, 2009

I always adore a guy who loves kids so's so amazing....


lagi pengen sendiri...
menikmati waktu sendiri..
melakukan segala hal yang ingin kulakukan...

kadang aku merasa lelah...
mendengarkan banyak hal yang tidak masuk akal...
mendengarkan complain tak berujung yang takkan mengubah keadaan...

aku hanya ingin sendiri...sebentar saja...
menikmati duniaku dalam kesendirian...
tanpa perlu berteriak...
tanpa perlu berdebat...
tanpa perlu berpikir....

aku hanya ingin sendiri...sebentar saja...


ahhh...I want that flower...;)

Jangan Menyerah-D'Massive

Tak ada manusia
Yang terlahir sempurna
Jangan kau sesali
Segala yang telah terjadi

Kita pasti pernah
Dapatkan cobaan yang berat
Seakan hidup ini
Tak ada artinya lagi

Reff I :
Syukuri apa yang ada
Hidup adalah anugerah
Tetap jalkani hidup ini
Melakukan yang terbaik

Tak ada manusia
Yang terlahir sempurna
Jangan kau sesali
Segala yang telah terjadi

Back to Reff I

Reff II :
Tuhan pasti kan menunjukkan
Kebesaran dan kuasanya
Bagi hambanya yang sabar
Dan tak kenal Putus asa

Back to Reff I
Back to Reff II

Wednesday, September 09, 2009

Aku KesEl...

Ihhh...rasanya aku mau marah...aku keseeeellll.....
kok ga mau banget sich ngertiin aku??
aku kan ga siap...tadi kan aku siapnya buat les bukan buat interview...
kenapa sih harus aku juga yg interview??
padahal aku ga fully focus disitu....
jadinya kan aku ga puas...karena ga maksimal...
mo mikir kata-kata aja susah.....dan aku harus kehilangan waktu senang2 pas les...

sebellllllll dikeluarin kemana ya neeh unek2...??????!!!!!

Tuesday, September 08, 2009

Saturday, September 05, 2009

My Life according to Wang Lee Hom

Pick your Artist: Wang Lee Hom

Are you a male/female : Cockney Girl

Describe yourself: Gai Shi Ying Xiong (Heroes of Earth)

How do you feel: Love Love Love

Describe where you currently live: Huan Xi Cheng (City of Pleasure)

If you could go anywhere, where would you go: Kuang Xiang Shi Jie (The World of Wild Imagination)

Your favorite form of transportation: Bai Hu Li (White Fox)

Your best friend is: Noah

You and your best friend are: Ni He Wo (You and Me)

What's the weather like: Bao Feng Yu (Rainstorm)

Favorite time of day: Di Yi Ge Qing Chen (The First Morning)

If your life was a TV show, what would it be called: Another Heaven

What is life to you: Wan Mei De Hu Dong (The Perfect Interaction)

Your relationship: Bu Wan Zheng De Xuan Lu (Incomplete Melody)

Your fear: Meng Xiang Bei Leng Dong (Frozen Dreams)

What is the best advice you have to give: Forever Love

How I would like to die: Zai Mei Bain (Beside The Plum Blossom)

My soul's present condition: Diao Ling Gan (Fishing for Inspiration)

Thursday, September 03, 2009

I like this pic...

Definitely I like HIM!!! heheheheheheeee

Two places that I have to visit...

Comic museum, Brussels

teddy bear museum, Seoul

Wednesday, September 02, 2009

Pelabuhan Hati...Dimanakah???

"Hati tidak pernah memilih. Hati dipilih. Ia tahu kemana harus berlabuh." Dee-Perahu Kertas :)

Sunday, August 30, 2009

Begin with the end in mind..

The future will not be easier than the present moment...even it will be much more tougher than you can think of.

HMM?? so what should we do to face the future??? stay low until the time comes or u start think on sth that might be used when we need it in the future??

I often think about this....

Although I realize that it is better to focus on what I have right now...BUT I still keep on writing things that I want to achieved or things I would like to do as time goes....

I do not right something that is difficult to get...but something that I like to do and I know I will enjoy doing it....
Learning the 7 habits makes me realize the important of planning and making GOALS...!!

Well....I hope I will always be ready to face anything that might happen in the future...


this is another Korean Movie series that turn me heads over heels for 3 days....hahaahahahaha
comparing to the others story of Hanna Yori Dango...I'll vote for the KOREAN version...the story is more meaningful and so touchy...although sometimes it can be so stupid too...:))

Thursday, August 06, 2009

7 habits in life....

These are the 7th habits that Steven Covey proposed to us...
1. Be Proactive
2. Begin with the end in mind
3. Put First thing first
4. think win win
5. Seek to understand than to be understood.
6. Synergize
7. Sharpen the saw

It sounds easy to be done BUT it is far from easy to be done...when the ego is on TOP...when the winning is always what u wish for....when you feel that u are the perfect one and u are the right one...when u never want to listen to others...THESE 7 habits will be only theory....
It starts from you and is always u...not others....

I also still need to LEARN I can do these 7 habits properly in my life....:)
'Cos I am always the leader for myself.....

Wednesday, August 05, 2009

Je vous manqe...

I miss u...
ahh...beneran gue kangen loe...
kangen aja pengen ngobrol ma loe...
sayangnya...gue ga bs bilang "I miss u" lagi ma loe...
ntar ada yg marah lagi....
tapi beneran, cowo...
gue kangen ma loe....

Ik mis je...
gue kangen banget ma loe...
padahal baru 6 bulan kok rasannya udah lama banget
tlalu banyak cerita2 yang harus diceritakan...
really2 I miss u my sista...

I just wish I could meet each one of you....
Je vous manqe...

Monday, July 27, 2009

Future planning...

God is so good...
When I almost finish my biggest task...He always gives me way to plan my next step.
Yesterday the reunion gave me ideas to do sth that will increase my saving...hehehehehe.
I'm gonna teach private students. I don't need many private students...I just need 2.
BUT the 1st thing I need to do is looking 4 the resources of text books for teaching the it...
ahhh...this is just my plan..BUT I believe if this is God's will happen....

Wednesday, July 22, 2009

Inikah Rasanya....

Melihatnya melawati kelasku....
Aku tahu...dia bukan di kelasku lagi...

kadang aku masih berharap dia berbelok kembali ke kelasku...

menyapaku dan memelukku...

tapi...dia sudah naik kelas...

Aku hanya bisa melihatnya lebih jauh...

menyapanya sesekali
memeluknya jika ada kesempatan

Aku kangen malaikat kecilku...

Inikah rasanya menyayangi seseorang dengan sepenuh hati...

Malaikat kecilku, ingatlah bahwa aku akan selalu ada untukmu...

dari kejauhan aku selalu memperhatikanmu...

aku akan selalu menyayangimu, malaikat kecilku...


You will always be my special one!!!!

Tuesday, July 21, 2009

My dream, my passion

satu persatu mimpi2 gue tercapai...masih banyak sich mimpi gue yg masih gue kejar kaya travelling aroung Europe, ketemu my soul mate and getting married. Tapi dari sekian banyak mimpi2 punya satu2 bikin kumpulan cerpen anak...(ga usah buku dulu deh...tlalu jauh!!!) Gue sadar kok..gue bukan penulis yang handal...makanya gue butuh orang yg bs bantuin gue edit2 kata2 gw yang pastinya suka loncat2 kaya kutu loncat...jadi pastinya gue gak bakal kerja sendirian... Blue print dari cerpen anak gue udah ada sich....inspirasi juga udah ada...cuman gue ga tau kapan pelaksanaanya...soalnya kudu "put first thing first" yang mana adalah my study... Semoga liburan berikutnya gue bisa menulis karya pertama gue....

First Day Back to School...Excited

Yeah....Holiday is Over...
Back to real life....

The kidos are back...
They were so excited..I can tell...
'cos I was too....

In each of them, I see my new challenges that I have to face for this whole year...
I am excited
I am ready
I believe that each of them has their uniqueness
with their talents that I need to explore
with their mind that thirsts of knowledge that need to be filled up
with their spirit and excitement that inspired me to DO the BEST I can do...

I hope the refreshment that I got on the 1st week back at work...the 7 habits...could really support me in dealing with these challenges...

Oh, God....Help Me!!!

I believe I CAN DO IT!!!!

Wednesday, July 08, 2009

A conversation with myself

" ngapain?" katanya tiba-tiba.

"hey...aku lagi berpikir" kataku singkat.

"memikirkan dia lagi?" tanyanya sambil duduk disampingku.

"iya" jawabku sambil menatap lurus ke depan.

"sudahlah...lupakanlah dia...tak perlu lagi kamu memikirkan dia. Dia pun tak memikirkanmu. Dia sibuk dengan apa yang dia punya sekarang." katanya memberi nasihat singkat.

Memang benar seharusnya aku sudah tidak memikirkannya lagi. Aku harus bisa melepasnya perlahan namun pasti. Cuman kadang emank itu bukan hal yang mudah.

"apalagi? kok diam?" tanyanya sambil menyenggol tanganku.

Aku tetap diam...tak tahu harus menjawab apa.

"sampai kapan kamu akan begini terus?" tanyanya. "masih banyak hal yang lebih penting untuk kamu pikirkan. Kuliahmu, pekerjaanmu, anak-anak didikmu, teman-temanmu, keluargamu, dan dirimu sendiri. Sudahlah...relakanlah dia. Aku yakin kamu akan baik-baik saja tanpanya. Lihatlah disekelilingmu...banyak orang membutuhkanmu...banyak orang menyayangimu. Diapun masih menyayangimu,bukan?" lanjutnya lagi.

"Yah...kamu benar. Aku baik-baik saja tanpanya." kataku. "Aku baik-baik saja...!!" jawabku yakin.

"Dan kamu benar", lanjutku..."dia memang menyayangiku..sebagai sahabatnya."

"Bukankah itu cukup?" tanyanya lagi.

"Iya. itu sangatlah CUKUP." aku menegaskannya lagi. "Kamu tidak akan meninggalkanku,bukan? Kamu akan tetap disampingku dan menemaniku kan?" tanyaku lagi.

"Ya...aku tidak akan kemana-mana. Aku disini untukmu selamanya. Aku akan menemanimu melalui setiap liku kehidupanmu...aku akan menggendongmu jika kamu lelah...aku kan menjadi 'telinga'mu disaat kau membutuhkan tempat untuk 'curcol'...aku kan memeberikan pundakmu jika kamu ingin menangis...dan aku akan memelukmu jika kamu merasa sendiri. Aku pasti ada disini untukmu." jawabnya dengan tulus.

"Terima kasih ya!" kataku "Kamu memang yang terbaik yang kumiliki...TERBAIK dari segala-galanya..."

"O ya!!! Jangan lupakan satu hal...AKU TIDAK PERNAH BERHENTI MENYAYANGIMU!!!" serunya.

Aku pun membalas seruannya, " Aku tahu...Akupun sangat menyayangimu!!!"

Aku menatapnya dan aku memeluknya erat...dan dia membalas pelukkanku. Di bawah cahaya rembulan di dalam pelukannya, aku merasa damai.

Friday, July 03, 2009

SINGLE HAPPY-Oppie Andaresta (my current theme song)

mereka bilang aku pemilih dan kesepian
terlalu keras menjalani hidup
beribu nasehat dan petuah yang diberikan
berharap hidupku bahagia

aku baik baik saja
menikmati hidup yang aku punya
hidupku sangat sempurna
I'm single and very happy
mengejar mimpi mimpi indah
bebas lakukan yang aku suka
berteman dengan siapa saja
I'm single and very happy

mereka bilang sudah saatnya karena usia
untuk mencari sang kekasih hati
tapi kuyakin akan datang pasangan jiwaku
pada waktu dan cara yang indah


waktu terus berjalan tak bisa kuhentikan
kuinginkan yang terbaik untuk hidupku


Tuesday, June 30, 2009

Saturday, June 27, 2009

The Pangandaran trip-The story

Ud mo libur...tapi kok kayanya kerjaan banyak banget ya...dikejar-kejar deadline buat nyelesein assignmnet kuliah, dikejar-kejar isi raport...mana lagi harus ngelatih anak2 buat year end performance...beres2 kelas....(duh!! banyak amat seeh!!) kaya gini neeh emank klo ud mo libur...dikerjain banget2...menghitung kok semakin diitung semakin lama ya....ud mana perasaan gue lagi amburadul neeeh...mesti menerima kenyataaan pedih, pahit dan sakiiiit!!! (sayangnya org yg bikin gue kaya gt ga pernah nyadar sampe saat ini...*makin miris*)

Liburan ini gue harus liburan...biar bisa melupakan rasa ini...tapi kemana ya?? pengen ke Malay neeh...kangen ma suasana disana...kangen ma orang2 di KL...dan kangen ma makanannya...hehehehehehehehee TAPI kayanya ijinnya ga gampang neeeh....

Guru2 mo ke Green Canyon....ikut ga...ikut ga...ikut ga....awalnya emank ga ikut...tapi 'kompor'2 disekitar gue makin genjar menyalakan api semangatnya buat bujukkin gue ikut....akhirnya luluh juga...last minute gue memutuskan untuk IKUT ke Pangandaran...dengan harapan perjalanan ini membuat gue lebih lega....dan melupakan semuanya...

Hari H datang juga....
First day...
Jam 6 pagi gue ud nyampe di PSKD...biasa meeting point kebangsaan...lho kok blm pada hadir??...cuman ada Helen doank...mobilnya pun blm ada....hmmm...pada ngaret ya???
Tapi gak lama kemudian satu persatu peserta mulai datang...Bu Dwi, Pak Toro, Anis, Ola, Tri, Mirna, Imel, Pak Bayu...dan akhirnya 2 mobil pun datang...dengan Bu Henny dan 2 temannya, Mbak Iriel en Pak Yayan....

Setelah perkenalan singkat, ke toilet dulu sblm berangkat...akhirnya jam 7 kita jalan excited...masuk jalan tol...sampe akhirnya keluar tol...en berenti di resto ayam ponyo ga jauuh dari Bandung...for early lunch late breakfast...BUT too bad...ada kabar klo nyokapnya Pak Bayu pingsan en harus dilarikan ke RS....jadi abis makan itu..makan yg mayan seru karena kita ketawa2 en poto2...kita harus merelakan Pak Bayu untuk balik ke Jakarta naik bis...dan perjalanan pun dilanjutkan....
o ya...sebelumnya kita sempet poto dulu bareng2 di depan ayam ponyo....ternyata Mirna diem2 hobby photography juga....:)) (asiiik ada photographer...bisa jadi model en gue bs maen kamera kereeen!!!)

perjalananpun berlanjut.....seruuuuu sich...berceloteh ria sepanjang jalan....tetapi perjalanan tdklah semulus yg diharapkan...salah satu mobil bermasalah dan tidak bs melanjutkan perjalanan...alhasil...satu mobil diisi sebanyak mungkin....Bu Henny and Mbak Iriel naik bis menuju Pangandaran...en Pak Yayan ditinggalkan seorg diri dengan mobil yg bermasalah menunggu montir dari Bandung untuk memperbaiki mobil (maap ya,Pak!! ditinggalin sendirian!!!)...intinya the vacation must go on...

Jam 5 sore...kloter pertama yg pake mobil nyampe di Pangandaran...almost sunset neeh...jadinya gw, Ola, Anis, Imel, Mirna, and Helen diturunkan di pantai sementara Bu Dwi dan Pak Toro nyari penginapan....
emank dasarnya banci di poto...jadi kita tdk menyia2kan kesempatan dipoto...kereeen deh...dengan background sunset.....:))

kereeen deh lama kita pun dijemput lagi soalnya Bu Dwi ud menemukan penginapan kita....jadi kita pun ke penginapan untuk beres2 dan merefresh diri...sblm dinner dan sambil menunggu Bu Henny and Mbak Iriel....dan setelah Bu Henny and Mbak Iriel nyampe...kita pun MAKAN MALAM...di pelelangan ikan gitu...seru...enak...puas....SEAFOOD IS GOOD!!!!

Second Day
Pagi pagi...jalan2 pinggir pantai mencari sarapan...sambil ngeliat kegiatan para nelayan di pagi hari....seru lho...nelayan2 itu kreatif juga...ngeliat gimana cara mereka narik jara sampai ketepian....trus...ikan pun diangkut ke darat untuk dipisah-pisahkan sesuai jenisnya...dan para pembelipun siap untuk menawar harga ikan-ikan tersebut....seruuu...walopun smells fishy!!!
Gw jadi berpikir...kira2 setiap hari mereka dapet berapa ya??? apa cukup buat memenuhi kebutuhan harian mereka....It's really a tough job!!! Jadi kayanya kita ga boleh complain ya...kerjaan mereka jauh lebih berat dari kita...:)

setelah menikmati pagi dipinggir pantai sambil menyaksikan kegiatan para nelayan...perjalanan hari ke 2 pun berlanjut...tujuan berikutnya adalah GREEN CANYON...sebuah tempat kereen penuh tebing...stalaktit dan stalaknit...di aliran sungai Cijulang...
Kita pun menaiki perahu yang isinya 5 orang/perahu....dengan biaya Rp 75.000.-/perahu...tibalah kita pada suatu titik dimana petualangan yang sesungguhnya terjadi....kita harus berenang untuk mencapai lokasi yg indah....kedalaman sungai cukup mengejutkan 8-10m...kita pun dilengkapi dengan safety vest...dan ditemani oleh 3 orang pemandu...1 pmandu bertugas berenang dan membawa kamera kita... (gue salut abis sama si mas yang satu ini...HEBAT euy!! berenang pake tangan satu yang kadang harus melawan arus...ckckckckckckckck) selain berenang ternyata kita harus rock climbing....seru deh pokoknya...sampai pada satu titik kita harus menyebrang melawan arus dan memanjat batuan lagi untuk sampai pada satu lokasi yg paling indah...semuanya menyebrang kecuali gue en mbak Yuni...kita duduk manis debuah batuan dan menonton...hehehehehehehe...setelah puas kita pun harus berenang mengikuti arus sungai...yah bisa dibilang 'body rafting'...serrruuuuu...!!! Ternyata kitan pun harus membayar extra untuk kegitan ini...Rp 625.000,- untuk memimpin rombongan 15 org....not bad!!!

Dari Green Canyon...kita pun melanjutkan perjalanan ke PANTAI BATU KARAS...pantai tempat surfing...en banyak sebelum kita main di pantai...perut2 ini ud minta diisi..jadi kita harus makan dulu....laper bo!!! heheheheehhee

setelah perut kenyang kitapun bermain di pantai...poto2...serasa model sehari..berbagai gaya, posepun kita ikutin....setelah puas akhirnya kita mandi..di kamar mandi umum...bayar pula RP 2000,-/org....seruuuuuuu!!! (poto2 menyusul..karena blm diupload ma Mirna..hehehhehe)

Dari PAntai Batu Karas...seblum kembali ke Pangandaran kita sempet mampie di PANTAI BATU HIU....klo diinternet seharusnya ada patung Hiu besar...tapi mungkin terkena tsunami...patung Hiu besar itu tidak ada....hari sudah lumayan sore...dan ombak semakin besar...agak2 creepy juga sich...jadi kita pun tidak berlama-lama di pantai tsb...

Kembali ke Pangandaran...mencari makan malam dan dilanjutkan dengan shoppping...di toko-tok dekat hotel....:)) hari yang melelahkan tapi menyenangkan...

Third Day..(Last day in Pangandaran) Wah...sudah saatnya kembali ke Jakarta...tapi sebelum pulang pagi ini kita manfaatkan waktu menuju satu tempat lagi...CAGAR ALAM, PASIR PUTIH...untuk sampai ke Cagar Alam ini kita harus naik perahu...bayarnya Rp 10.000,-/org...jarak tempuh dari pantai Pangandaran sampai pantai Pasir Putih kurang lebih 10 menit deh...tapi lumayan seru karena harus menghadapi ombak2 ditangah laut....sayangnya hari itu Imelda terpaksa ditinggalkan di penginapan karena sakit perut...dan harus beristirahat... Di cagar alam pasir putih banyak sekali monyet-monyet yang menunggu diberi makan kacang...hehehhheeee...luchu juga tapi agak-agak menyeramkan juga takut diserang monyet...hehehehehe.... Ada seorang pemandu yang memandu kita memasukki cagar alam ini....dan di dalam cagar alam ini banyak gua2 penuh dengan stalaktit dan stalaknit....ada gua LANANG yang sering dipake syuting mak lampir...ada gua miring...yang mana kitanya harus miring-miring klo mo keluar dari gua tersebut...ada gue yg didalamnya ada bebatuan yg membentuk alat kelamin pria dan wanita...katanya sich bisa mendatangkan jodoh...(hahahhaha..ada2 aja)....ada juga bebatuan yang menyerupai pocong...hehehehehe....serunya lagi dari salah satu gua ketika harus keluar kita harus menaiki tangga kayu yang lumayan curam...serasa Indiana Jones deh keluar masuk gua mencari barang-barang akreologi...:)) Di dalam salah satu gua kita bisa melihat LANDAK...luchu deh...:)
Setelah mengelilingi cagar alam...kitapun kembali naik ke kapal dan menuju lautan luas...sebenarnya kita mau melihat air terjun...tapi sayangnya pada saat itu air terjun itu sepertinya kekurangan air jadi tidak ada air yg mengalir dari air terjun...heheehhehehehehe...perjalanan ke tengah lautan ini bukan perjalanan yang cukup tenang karena kita lumayan diombang-ambingkan oleh ombak...sampai2 Anis pun pucat dan tak dapat berkata-kata lagi...heehehheehe Akhirnya kita pun dengan selamat sampai di darat... O ya...pantai Pasir Putih ini juga terkenal buat tempat snorkling...sayangnya air laut pada hari itu cukup keruh...(ternyata biaya seluruhnya untuk perahu, pemandu, dan safety vest sebesar Rp 300.000,-) Setelah itu kita pun kembali ke penginapan untuk mandi dan memebereskan barang-barang...siap kembali ke Jakarta.... Dalam perjalananan kita sempatkan untuk makan siang di CIBIUK resto...dan jam 10 mlm akhirnya kita tiba dengan selamat di PSKD MANDIRI....