Tuesday, September 12, 2006

It's Nothing...

It's nothing...just dropped by try to write sth...

These days....I'm pretty tired...dunno y??? but I guess I have to concentrate to two things...my teaching and my studying...to tell the truth...I hate to do these both @ the same time...'cos I felt I did not put my maximum on both....

So many times I had to leave my job n my responsibilities in the classroom in order to do the study....where on d other side...after the study I still did not get anything...pretty bad actually....but I have to do it...

Thank God, I have a partner who can understand my condition...however, I felt REALLY bad to leave her alone....

Well...I dunno until when I have to study...and I have to do this....but I need to learn to be more effective in dividing my time......

>>Jia You!!!<<

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