Friday, December 03, 2004

Selamat PAgi Dunia....

Bangun jam 8 pagi soalnya ada telpon buat gue....BANGUN DEH!!! trus...jemur baju...trus...buka compie buat check imel...trus...buka my web blog....en iseng...;)

pagi ini apa yg gue rasain ya????
Cape...abisnya 3 hari gue sibuukkkk BGT!!! tp gue seneng aja ma semuanya yg gue lakuin....
Seneng...soalnya ada yg nengokin gue...en hari weekend ini gue jadi tour guide mereka...HAHAHAHHAA
Gak SABAR....2 minggu lagi neeh...moga2 bisa kurang dari 2 minggu....
Worried and Concern about my friend...he needs so much moral supports from all of us...I just hope he can pass all this with all his courage and strength....

life is a test and a trust, and the more God gives you, the more responsible he expects you to be. (a quoute from Ully's web blog)

I still want to write more BUT...I have to go...Hv an appoinment @ 10...;)


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