Sunday, April 25, 2010

It has been sent

yeah my 1st assignment has been sent...relief....
well hope to get good result...this is pure me without JW helping a little help from GREG (thanks,Greg)...hope I get it right...*crossfinger* GB my work....

Can concentrate on TK B's assembly...lesson plan and assessments for the next 2 weeks...
GeeZZZZ....God still long way to go...

After that, back to my readings and DUNKIN...should be better must be done before 30th of MAY!!!!

Monday, April 12, 2010

serba serbi

hari2 tanpa ketenangan pikiran...banyak banget ya yang kudu dipikirin....
dunkin lah...
class assembly lah...
year end assembly lah...
belom lagi mulai bikin narative and raport buat anak2....
o ya tambah field trip juga
aduhhh....ramai sekali yah yang berseliweran dipikiran gue...

ya ya ya....whatever...semuanya tetep kudu dijalanin...
saat2 ini dimana jadi seorang multitasker baru berasa bermanfaat...
duuuhhh....pengen beristirahat dari year kebawa2 juga...pusiiinkkk....udah mana ada yg riweh suka komando2 doank...tanpa bantuin mikir....cape deh!!!

ahhh usah complain...FACE THEM....DO THEM...and yes THEY'RE DONE!!!
Oh....GOD...Walk with me,please!!!
God says, "You'll never walk alone!!" ;)